Educational goals
Educational goals
We will add our educational goals as soon as possible.
Promotion and repeating
Under normal circumstances we expect students to progress through the school with their peers. Decisions about a student needing to repeat a year are only taken after ongoing communications with the parents, subject teachers and year tutor whenever there is a case for concern regarding a student’s academic performance.
Consideration will be given to the student’s academic performance, their attitude and motivation, their well being and finally any factor hindering their progress. If further steps to support the student both at home and at school are unsuccessful, the school will require that the student repeats the year.
Note that the regulations with regard to academic promotion do not allow students:
- to repeat one academic year more than once,
- to spend more than three years in two consecutive academic years.
MYP and Diploma results
* MYP total points are based on 7 marks maximum for the six core subjects for MYP Year 5 (Language & Literature, best Language Acquisition, Mathematics, best Science, IAS, and best of Arts/Design/PHE) plus the final PP grade (maximum of &) for a total of 49 points.
^ DP total points are based on the 7 marks maximum for the six subjects for DP, plus a possible additional 3 points for the combined TOK and Extended Essay marks for a total of 45 points.
Pass rates DP2
2020-2021 DP2 (56 total) – 100%
2021-2022 DP2 (59 total) – 100%
2022-2023 DP2 (74 total) – 93%