SCHOOL GUIDE 2023-2024
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General Requirements

General Requirements

Residence Permits and Burger service nummer (BSN)

It is assumed that students who apply for admission to the ISE are in the possession of a residence permit or are eligible to apply for one. All students must also provide the school with their Citizen Service Number, known as a Burger service nummer (BSN).


Compulsory School age

In the Netherlands all children from the age of 5 years are required to attend some form of education until they receive a school leaving qualification. The Dutch Compulsory Education Act requires parents to ensure that their children attend school. The school and the city are required to monitor attendance.

Admission Policy

The ISE is state funded and therefore has to comply with regulations on the admission of students. These regulations can be found in the Regulation on International Oriented Secondary Schools 2010 (IGVO-regeling 2010), article 8.  Please refer to the ISE Admission policy and application for admission.


Withdrawal from the ISE must be given in writing to the school in advance of the date of departure, where possible. Parents must provide details of the next school. Requests for the preparation of references and official transcripts should be made at least two weeks in advance.

School fees, deposits, insurance, sponsorship, etc.

There is a one-time, non-returnable registration fee of €200, which is charged when a parent first registers their child at the ISE Secondary Department.

The ISE Secondary Department school fees are payable to the Stichting Internationaal en Lokaal Funderend Onderwijs (SILFO).

Parents may contact the Finance Department with any queries about school fees at

School Fees

The school fees overview can be found on the school website. The school fees are available via the link.

School-related costs

School-related costs go toward various subject related excursions all students are expected to attend, as well as examination fees. School-related costs are included in the total costs parents are expected to pay per child.

For each new student a signed school fees form with regard to the method of payment has to be submitted to the school office by the start of the new school year unless other conditions are set in writing for the parents/guardians of an individual student. Failure to submit a school agreement form in time or within 14 days of a student’s enrolment may lead to collection charges and/or the suspension of the student from the ISE.

Forms of payment

a. Payment by employer

When the employer assumes responsibility for paying the employee’s school fees the total sum must be transferred before 31 October 2023 or the employer may pay in 8 monthly installments from October until May.

b. Payment by parents

The school fees will be paid via direct debit from the parents bank account in 8 monthly installments from October until May or a one-time payment before 1st November 2023.

School fees when registering during the school year

Students joining later in the school year are charged a proportional amount.  In the case where a student is registered for only part of a year, if the student registers before the 16th day of a month, the full monthly amount will be due. In case of a student registering after the 15th day of a month, then half the monthly amount for that month will be due.

Refunds when departing during the school year

If a student’s registration is terminated before the 16th day of a month, half the monthly amount for that month will be due. If a student’s registration is terminated after the 15th day of a month, the full monthly amount for that month will be due

Withdrawal of students

Parents/guardians are requested to give three months’ written notice to the Head of the Secondary.

Payment by employers

No refunds are made in the case of payment by employers. A one-time only, returnable (without interest) deposit of € 500 is paid when the student joins the ISE Secondary School. This amount will be refunded in full when the student leaves the ISE, providing all books and materials have been returned, fee payments are up to date and all other obligations have been met.

Other expenses

School supplies and equipment

Students have to buy various school supplies. A full list can be found on the school website and in the welcome pack issued to all new students. Students in MP4 and above will be expected to purchase their own graphics calculator for Mathematics. These are likely to cost approximately €100. Please see the students supply list for the exact model. Visual Art materials can also be bought at school for approx €12 as well as specially made exercise notebooks with the school logo and name on the cover. Increasingly, school work — and homework — requires the use of computers and internet access.

Costs related to optional school trips

The ISE runs a number of optional trips throughout the year. Optional trips are activities that are not a mandatory part of the educational programme, but are experiences and opportunities that are offered by the school. Some of the examples of optional trips that the school organises each year are sports tournaments, ski and London trips, Model United Nations (MUN) and visits to CERN in Switzerland. If students want to join the optional school trips, these are an additional expense and parents will be invoiced for the cost of the selected trip. The ISE has a policy to only allow participation on optional trips, if the family is in good financial standing.

Home Language Lessons

Students in the IB MYP may choose to study their home language. This is done on a private basis. However, the school is responsible for finding a suitable teacher, as well as providing the necessary training and resources.

Please note that the school is not responsible for any necessary visas or travel  applications for students.

Financial Assistance

Informatie Beheer Groep of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences in Groningen

  • The subsidy for parents of students in secondary education has been stopped since 1 January 2010. From this date the budget of the tax department relating to student finance has been raised. The students of secondary education will also receive their school books for free,
  • Students in secondary education of 18 years or over are eligible to receive education finance via the VO18+ arrangements. The amount of the grant is determined by the income and financial standing of the parent/guardians. Request forms are available at the school or at the regional Steunpunt Informatie Beheer Groep. The request must be made 3 months before the student reaches the age of 18. The student (not the parents) will receive the grant in 12 monthly amounts. Payment in arrears is not possible.
De Meedoenbijdrage of the gemeente Eindhoven

Since January 2012, the gemeente Eindhoven has had an income support arrangement for inhabitants of Eindhoven who are on a minimum income. The Meedoenbijdrage covers discount arrangements, school cost refunds, technology refunds and the contribution for equipment for people aged 65+ in one.

This grant is to enable participation in, for example, a sport club, ballet lessons or a cooking course. It can also be for visiting the theatre, going to the skating rink or a newspaper subscription. It is also possible to use it to buy school supplies or a computer.

This grant is available for every family member. The amount received is dependent upon which age category the family members fall. Children under 18 years of age will always receive the grant in the month of August, at the beginning of the new school year.

Click here for more information about the Meedoenbijdrage.

The arrangements for income support are intended for all inhabitants of Eindhoven with a low income. But what is a low income? The Meedoenbijdrage is intended for those whose income does not exceed 10% more than the basic unemployment benefit. The unemployment benefit is not the same for everyone. The amount of payment is dependent on the ages of those in the family, and the family situation. For more information about the actual grants available, please go to: 

Stichting Leergeld

This foundation is aimed at parents of children between the ages of 4 – 18 years with a minimum income, who live in Eindhoven.

  • Those who receive no assistance or only partial assistance,
  • Those who will be refunded their costs only at a later date.

Stichting Leergeld acts between parents and other assisting organizations. The Stichting Leergeld also provides financial help via a gift, an interest-free advance or an interest-free loan. They can be contacted by telephone on 040-213 11 41.


All students are collectively insured for accidents and damage and third-party liability during their stay on the school premises or during school excursions, camps and events.

This is also applicable during their journey home to and from school as long as this journey takes place within a reasonable time after the student’s last lesson or the end of an excursion or event.  However, third-party liability is not covered during the journey to and from school. The insurance does not cover damage or liability to other students, members of personnel or the school and its property.

Parents are strongly recommended to take out a third party liability insurance as part of their household insurance. Please be aware that students are not covered under the above insurance policy if they leave the school premises without permission during the school day or if they remain unsupervised on the school grounds after the end of the school day.


A student who damages or loses school property will be held responsible, and asked to compensate the school for any expenses incurred. This also applies to damage caused to members of personnel and their property.