Partnership with parents
A successful school is very much the result of a partnership between the school and home. The school will do everything possible to put its guiding statements into practice. At the same time the school hopes that parents will support their children, the school and the school community by such actions as:
- ensuring your child attends school regularly,
- ensuring your child gets enough sleep and eats a diet which will support an alert brain and a healthy body,
- providing a reasonably peaceful and suitable place in which students can do their home learning,
- making it clear to your child that you value learning and encouraging your child in their learning tasks,
- helping your child with the organisational and socio-emotional skills required for independent study,
- checking Toddle, our Learning Management System,
- occasionally to see what your child is learning and to keep up to date with their grades,
- ensuring your child keeps up with home learning and other commitments, and attends school with the correct equipment,
- ensuring your child attends non-lesson days such as Sports Day, or other similar activities which reinforce positive values and team spirit,
- attending Student-led Conferences and information evenings,
- supporting school activities, such as musicals, concerts and exhibitions,
- encouraging your child to enrol in extracurricular activities, and to attend these regularly,
- supporting our Parents Committee and the events that they organise,
- volunteering along with other parents to help support various aspects of the school,
- notifying the school office in writing of any change of address and/or telephone number via secondary@isecampus.nl,
- providing the school with updated emergency contact information.
Additionally, we see parents as very much a part of our learning community, which is expected to:
- Understand and model the school’s guiding statements and curriculum.
- Be actively involved in students’ learning, skills development, and socio-emotional wellbeing.
- Support students in becoming reflective and independent lifelong learners.
- Demonstrate an awareness and respect for both the local culture and language and the diverse cultures and languages of our community.
- Contribute to learning opportunities at home, in the classroom, and in the school community through their own expertise and experience.
- Communicate in a caring and respectful manner.
Together we can do so much to support our children’s education.
Communication with Parents
Communication between the school and parents is mainly carried out via by Toddle for grades and the curriculum or by email, including monthly newsletters, notices from the school, communication with the year tutor and invitations to events. Please make sure the school office has your most up-to-date email details.
All communication is centralized in order to be able to effectively and efficiently respond to any correspondence from parents. In addition to the Year Tutor, we have a number of leader roles that support teaching and learning such as Subject Leader, and Student Coordinators, who assist in addressing parent questions, concerns or queries. By centralizing communication we ensure that the Year Tutor as well as other relevant members of staff(s) are aware of and can support any concerns or questions that might be sent to teachers.
In order to contact a teacher, or Year Tutor we ask that you send your email to the school office secondary@isecampus.nl who will ensure the teacher or the Year Tutor and the other necessary parties are informed. General questions about subject packages, courses or the curriculum, should be sent to the school office for the attention of the Curriculum Team. When there is a confidential matter about your child, an email should be sent to the school office for the attention of the Year Tutor stating that you have a confidential matter to discuss and the Year Tutor will follow up.
Parents on Campus
The ISE is an open, friendly space where all members of our community should feel welcome. We aspire to live up to our motto of More Than a School where our community can participate fully in the life of our school.
In order to support a peaceful and safe school environment all members of the community are asked to adhere to the expectations as outlined below and the Parent Code of Conduct which can be found on the school website.
- Show respect for the views, opinions and cultural differences of all those within our community;
- Respect our caring ethos, and the values of our school, by using appropriate language and displaying respectful behaviours towards all members of our school community;
- Make an appointment in advance when there is a need to meet with members of staff;
- Be respectful of meeting times that have been scheduled with members of staff;
- Respect the rules of the road, including parking carefully, giving way to cyclists and avoid parking, waiting or stopping in areas which must be kept clear;
- Refrain from bringing nuts and nut products to school;
- Dogs (other than guide dogs) are not permitted on to the school campus;
The school may feel it is necessary to take action by contacting the appropriate authorities and/or sadly, consider banning the offending adult from entering the school premises should there be a breach of the Parent Code of Conduct.