School leave of absence
Requests for Extra Leave of Absence
For a full explanation of Leave Requests please follow this LINK.
In accordance with the Dutch Compulsory Education Act, the school is subject to strict government guidelines for attendance.
In accordance with Dutch law, all requests for leave must be made in advance at least 8 weeks before the date of the requested leave using the Application for Leave form which can be downloaded from the school website.
All reasonable requests for proof of leave must be provided. All requests for leave must be kept at a minimum. Please be aware that taking leave without approval may lead to sanctions from the school’s attendance officer.
Approval for a leave of absence will only be given in certain circumstances:
- Extra leave because of exceptional circumstances
This concerns circumstances closely related to the student’s personal life, such as deaths of next of kin, serious illness of parents, anniversaries in the immediate family, weddings of members of the immediate family, - Extra leave for reason of holidays
Leave will not be granted for leave to take a family holiday or trip. - Exemption for reasons of religious observances or duties
The school will follow the guidelines set out by Dutch law.
Please note that no leave will be granted at the start or end of the school year or during exam or assessment periods.