Information about
School Fees
MP1-4 €7728
MP5 €7846
DP1 €8073
DP2 €8538
Registration fee per child €200
Refundable deposit per child €500 (Secondary only)
Company fee per child €600
*Companies paying the School Fee/Sponsor Contributions on behalf of their employees’ children will pay an additional, non-refundable amount of €600 per school year per child. By contributing in this way the employer helps to ensure that the ISE school fees remain lower than they would be otherwise.
School Attendance Officer (leerplicht)
The ISE is a Dutch school and is therefore obliged to adhere to Dutch regulations. The Dutch Compulsory Education Act (leerplichtwet) requires parents to ensure that their children attend school, absence at will is not permitted. Details of the Dutch regulations and the Dutch Compulsory Education Act (leerplichtwet) for leave can be found here (this site also has information in English) and information from Eindhoven city (in Dutch) can be found here. The ISE and the city (gemeente) are required to monitor attendance. There are occasions when the school may grant leave, however, in order to do so the request must meet strict criteria.
Students who are consistently reported late or have repeated absences due to illness are reported to the Health Authority called the Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdiensten(GGD) for support and interventions. The School Attendance Officer provides accountability to students who have not maintained expectations for attendance, consequences and support to ensure that students are in school.
Top Talent accommodations
The International School Eindhoven falls under Dutch law and legislation within the law for secondary education (de wet op voortgezet onderwijs) and Dutch Compulsory Education Act (leerplichtwet). All students at the ISE must meet the 950 hour requirement of lesson time. The ISE is not a recognized Topsport Talent school
Under certain conditions the ISE can partially accommodate a student who needs to be exempted from regular lesson hours on a repeated basis in order to pursue the development of their talent (arts and sports). Accommodations can only be put in place at the ISE when a student has no other school option in the region due to limited Dutch proficiency and when they can provide the ISE with documented Top Talent Status within a national and/or international organisation with the NOC*NSF-status or a KNVB “Belofte Status”. In the Netherlands top talent students are normally catered for by attending a so-called Topsport Talent school where talent development and education is integrated. Students requesting days off for set events and competitions also fall under this policy.
Formal requests for exemptions need to be submitted to the Leader for Learning at the beginning of the academic year. Agreements will be formalized with parents and are subject to review on an annual basis.
Facilities and Cafeteria
Students and parents have access to a school cafeteria which is run by an external catering company. The cafeteria offers daily healthy options ranging from sandwich rolls to warm meals. Parents can set up their child’s student card in order to provide credit for them to be able to buy items from the cafeteria more easily. Please note that the cafeteria does not accept cash payment.
Public Transportation
The ISE is accessible by public transport. Please consult www.9292.nl for the timetable of buses to the International School Eindhoven.
- Bus number 610 comes straight from Eindhoven central train/bus station to the ISE with no stops. This runs in the morning and in the afternoon taking into account school schedules (with the exception of school days that deviate from usual school times).
- Bus number 10 comes from the Eindhoven central train/bus station to the Achtsewegzuid (next to the school campus) and runs throughout the day. This bus stop requires a short walk from the road (Achtsewegzuid) to the school campus.
Request for visitors
The building and grounds of the ISE Campus are private property and may be entered by students currently registered at the ISE and their parents, employees of the Foundation, others contributing to the school’s programme in any legitimate capacity, and those invited or hired to provide services to the school. All others must seek permission to enter. This includes former students and their parents, who must sign in as guests. Former students who wish to spend time at the ISE must seek permission from the Head well in advance. Casual friends of ISE students who are not ISE students must not be invited to enter the school building or grounds.