Absence policy
The school is required to keep accurate records of when a student is absent. Unauthorized absence is absence through skipping (truancy) or as a result of extreme tardiness for no good reason. The school aims to keep parents informed of this, and is also obliged to inform the school attendance officer. Authorized absence is when a student is absent because of illness, or other medical reasons, or has received formal approval from the school or the school attendance officer. In all incidents of absence, the school must be informed by the parents.
Absences due to illness
The local health services (GGD) provide guidelines to the school on frequency of absences related to illness. The goal is for students to be healthy and in school learning. When a student has three incidents of illness during a six week period, the school will contact parents in order to determine the best steps moving forward. When the frequency of illness goes beyond the GGD guidelines, the school will seek advice from the GGD on how to support the student and as a result, the GGD will invite the family for a consultation.
- In case of illness or any other unavoidable and unforeseen absence of a student, parents should inform the school by telephone or email to secondary@isecampus.nl before 08.45. Parents are requested to phone the school each morning of continued absence if the date of return has not been given.
- In the case of a pre-arranged absence, such as medical or dental treatment, which cannot take place outside school hours, the parents/guardians must request permission from the Head stating the reason for, and duration, of the absence.
- If a student becomes ill during the school day and cannot continue with the remaining lessons, they must report to the School Office. The Office will contact the Head or a member of the Leadership Team to gain permission for the student to go home. Permission to go home is only granted if it is possible to contact one of the parents/guardian by telephone.
- Students, who cannot participate in a Physical and Health Education lesson, must report to the PHE teacher, who will then decide whether the student can in fact follow the lesson or part of the lesson. At any rate, the student remains under the supervision of the PHE teacher, and must not stay in the changing rooms.
- If the illness or condition is only temporary, parents must request exemption from the lesson from the PHE teacher in writing, and the student may follow the lesson from the sidelines. Only the PHE teacher can give permission to deviate from this rule.
- Exemption from PHE classes will be granted only in cases of prolonged illness or a prolonged condition accompanied by a medical statement. The PHE teacher will decide in consultation with the Head of Secondary where the student must be during the PHE lesson.
- A student who has fallen behind in their studies as a result of absences, is expected to make up for this as soon as possible. If any major tests have been missed, the student must consult the subject teacher to make arrangements for re-scheduling the tests. The teacher is not obliged to re-schedule tests for any reason other than illness or leave of absence due to an emergency.